253 research outputs found

    Imaginaire de jardins en discussions. : RĂ©cit d’une expĂ©rience pĂ©dagogique menĂ©e Ă  l’Ecole d’Architecture de Lyon (2011-2012)

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    National audienceLe texte prĂ©sentĂ© ici dĂ©roule comment avec des Ă©tudiants architectes, l’équipe de La fabrique a travaillĂ© sur le processus de constitution d’un imaginaire environnemental et de mobilisation de cet imaginaire pour inventer un projet de jardin Ă  travers le thĂšme du nourricier qui a animĂ© le semestre. La pĂ©dagogie et ses outils repose sur deux objectifs, le premier, construire le jardin Ă  travers un processus de partages (partage entre Ă©tudiants, partage entre Ă©tudiants et enseignants, partage entre Ă©tudiants et habitants du territoire), le second se donner les moyens de l’extĂ©rioritĂ© en le montrant rĂ©ellement.Les Ă©tapes de l’exercice se schĂ©matisent dans trois temps de mobilisation des imaginaires du jardin. 1/ le temps individuel qui consiste Ă  se remĂ©morer des expĂ©riences de l’enfance dans des dessins, un texte et des maquettes.2/ le temps du binĂŽme pour partager ses idĂ©es dans un projet de jardin situĂ© puis confronter ce projet aux rĂ©alitĂ©s vĂ©cues des habitants vaudais. Avec Ă  la clĂ© la conception/ rĂ©alisation de 2 « objets » relationnels : la valise cabinet de curiositĂ© et le portrait habitant, censĂ©s favoriser les rencontres et Ă©changes entre Ă©tudiants, avec les enseignants et avec la sociĂ©tĂ© civile extĂ©rieure Ă  l’école.3 / le temps collectif du jardin manifeste dont l’enjeu est la mise en commun des idĂ©es et le retour Ă  l’école pour exposer ses projets et faire venir Vaulx-en-Velin (les habitants rencontrĂ©s) Ă  l’école. 2 temps d’exposition ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ployĂ©s : Exposition des valises et portraits lors du forum social et solidaire de Vaulx-en-Velin et installation/mise en scĂšne du jardin manifeste dans la rue de l’école et ses Ă -cĂŽtĂ©s.Nos analyses des travaux Ă©tudiants (textes, dessins, maquette, valise, portraits, installation manifeste Ă  l'Ă©chelle 1 dans l'Ă©cole) permettent d'identifier trois grands sources d’imaginaires Ă©mergents : les processus du vivant (Germen, Polen, Eden ) , les sensations, la composition spatiale de sentiment

    Improving Grammaticality in Statistical Sentence Generation: Introducing a Dependency Spanning Tree Algorithm with an Argument Satisfaction Model

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    Abstract-like text summarisation requires a means of producing novel summary sentences. In order to improve the grammaticality of the generated sentence, we model a global (sentence) level syntactic structure. We couch statistical sentence generation as a spanning tree problem in order to search for the best dependency tree spanning a set of chosen words. We also introduce a new search algorithm for this task that models argument satisfaction to improve the linguistic validity of the generated tree. We treat the allocation of modifiers to heads as a weighted bipartite graph matching (or assignment) problem, a well studied problem in graph theory. Using BLEU to measure performance on a string regeneration task, we found an improvement, illustrating the benefit of the spanning tree approach armed with an argument satisfaction model.

    Review: Pancreatic ÎČ-Cell Neogenesis Revisited

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    ÎČ-cell neogenesis triggers the generation of new ÎČ-cells from precursor cells. Neogenesis from duct epithelium is the most currently described and the best documented process of differentiation of precursor cells into ÎČ-cells. It is contributes not only to ÎČ-cell mass expansion during fetal and nonatal life but it is also involved in the maintenance of the ÎČ-cell mass in adults. It is also required for the increase in ÎČ-cell mass in situations of increase insulin demand (obesity, pregnancy). A large number of factors controlling the differentiation of ÎČ-cells has been identified. They are classified into the following main categories: growth factors, cytokine and inflamatory factors, and hormones such as PTHrP and GLP-1. The fact that intestinal incretin hormone GLP-1 exerts a major trophic role on pancreatic ÎČ-cells provides insights into the possibility to pharmacologically stimulate ÎČ-cell neogenesis. This could have important implications for the of treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Transdifferentiation, that is, the differentiation of already differentiated cells into ÎČ-cells, remains controversial.However, more and more studies support this concept. The cells, which can potentially “transdifferentiate” into ÎČ-cells, can belong to the pancreas (acinar cells) and even islets, or originate from extra-pancreatic tissues such as the liver. Neogenesis from intra-islet precursors also have been proposed and subpopulations of cell precursors inside islets have been described by some authors. Nestin positive cells, which have been considered as the main candidates, appear rather as progenitors of endothelial cells rather than ÎČ-cells and contribute to angiogenesis rather than neogenesis. To take advantage of the different differentiation processes may be a direction for future cellular therapies. Ultimately, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in ÎČ-cell neogenesis will allow us to use any type of differentiated and/or undifferentiated cells as a source of potential cell precursors

    Planning Text for Advisory Dialogues: Capturing Intentional and Rhetorical Information

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    To participate in a dialogue a system must be capable of reasoning about its own previous utterances. Follow-up questions must be interpreted in the context of the ongoing conversation, and the system's previous contributions form part of this context. Furthermore, if a system is to be able to clarify misunderstood explanations or to elaborate on prior explanations, it must understand what is has conveyed in prior explanations. Previous approaches to generating multisentential texts have relied solely on rhetorical structuring techniques. In this paper, we argue that, to handle explanation dialogues successfully, a discourse model must include information about the intended effect of individual parts of the text on the hearer, as well as how the parts relate to one another rhetorically. We present a text planner that records this information, and show how the resulting structure is used to respond appropriately to a follow-up question. 1 1 Introduction Explanation systems m..

    Small scale structure in diffuse molecular gas from repeated FUSE and visible spectra of HD 34078

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    We present preliminary results from an ongoing program devoted to a study of small scale structure in the spatial distribution of molecular gas. Our work is based on multi-epoch FUSE and visible observations of HD34078. A detailed comparison of H2, CH and CH+ absorption lines is performed. No short term variations are seen (except for highly excited H2) but long-term changes in N(CH) are clearly detected when comparing our data to spectra taken about 10 years ago.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of the XVII IAP Colloquium "Gaseous Matter in Galaxies and Intergalactic Space

    Phenotypic prediction based on metabolomic data : lasso vs Bolasso, primary data vs wavelet transformation

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    International audienceUnderstanding the relations between various 'omics data (such as metabolomics or genomics data) and phenotypes of interest is one of the current major challenges in biology. This question can be addressed by trying to learn a way to predict the phenotype value from the omic from joint observations of the omic and of the phenotype. In this paper, we focus on the prediction of a phenotype related to the quality of the meat from metabolomic data. As metabolomic data are high dimensional data and as, conjointly, the number of observations is often restricted, model selection methods are a way both to obtain a relevant solution to the prediction problem but also to select the most important metabolomes related to the phenotype under study. During the past years, model selection has know a growing interest in the statistical community: the first - and also probably the most known - selection method has been introducted by \citep{Tibshirani:1996} under the name of LASSO. Several variants of this original approach has then been proposed such as, recently, a bootstraped LASSO, named BOLASSO, introduced in (Bach, 2009). The proposal of this paper is to combine a wavelet representation of the metabolome spectra (see (Mallat, 1999) and (Antonini, 1992) for a complete introduction to wavelets) with the BOLASSO approach. We compare this methodology to more classical methods using either the original spectra as predictors (instead of the wavelet representation) or the original LASSO to select the model. The following section deals with the methodological description of the approach whereas the next one details the experiments and results

    Specificity of the metabolic signatures of fish from cyanobacteria rich lakes

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    International audienceThe liver metabolomes of fish from cyanobacterial-dominated ponds were investigated. Cyanobacterial metabolites were only be detected in cyanobacterial dominated ponds. The metabolomes of the 2 fish species exhibit similar correlation with cyanobacteria occurrence. Correlations between the levels of some metabolites and phycocyanin or pH were observed. a b s t r a c t With the increasing impact of the global warming, occurrences of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic ecosystems are becoming a main worldwide ecological concern. Due to their capacity to produce potential toxic metabolites, interactions between the cyanobacteria, their cyanotoxins and the surrounding freshwater organisms have been investigated during the last past years. Non-targeted metabolomic analyses have the powerful capacity to study simultaneously a high number of metabolites and thus to investigate in depth the molecular signatures between various organisms encountering different environmental scenario, and potentially facing cyanobacterial blooms. In this way, the liver metabolomes of two fish species (Perca fluviatilis and Lepomis gibbosus) colonizing various peri-urban lakes of theÎle-de-France region displaying high biomass of cyanobacteria, or not, were investigated. The fish metabolome hydrophilic fraction was analyzed by 1 H NMR analysis coupled with Batman peak treatment for the quantification and the annotation attempt of the metabolites. The results suggest that similar metabolome profiles occur in both fish species, for individuals collected from cyanobacterial blooming lakes compared to organism from non-cyanobacterial dominant environments. Overall, such environmental metabolomic pilot study provides new research perspectives in ecology and ecotoxicology fields, and may notably provide new information concerning the cyanobacteria/fish eco-toxicological interactions
